7 Steps to High Quality Referrals

High Quality Referrals – 7 Easy Steps

One of the best sources of high quality referrals is from your current customer base. The people referred to you by your current satisfied customer base are more likely ready to buy and have the means.

How can you get your current customers to give you a high quality referral? Follow these seven steps:

1. First and foremost; you need to provide your current customers with excellent service so they have something good to say about you and your service.  Find out if they are happy and right any wrongs. Lay the foundation of good service and more business is likely to come your way.

2. Your customer wants to be your friend.  Take some time to learn about who they are, what their needs are with respect to your service.  Find out their spouses, kids and pet’s names.

3. If they have a business let them know that you have recommended their business to others.

4. Give them a good deal or throw in some extra free service when you are assisting them.  Go beyond the call of duty.

5. Send them a card just to say hi.  I use Send-Out-Cards.  You can send these cards at regular intervals, not just once or twice a year.  When you show you are thinking about them, your business will be on their mind if someone asks them for a referral for your type of business.

6.  Ask them for referrals when you see them.  “Sue, I would really appreciate it if you recommend my services to your friends, neighbors and colleagues.”

7.  Offer them a bonus if they send a paying customer your way.  $25 off your next furnace tune up if you send me a new customer.

Free CD - Get More ReferralsTo get a free audio CD mailed to your home or business, telling you how to get more referrals than you can possibly handle,  go to HighQualityReferrals.com.  Fill out the form. It will be mailed to you in a few days.

To send a High Quality Personalized Greeting Card, with a stamp, from your computer, for free (it’s a gift account for you): go to SendOutCards.com/lh and follow the instructions in the video.  You can send anyone a greeting card for less time and money than going to a card store.  Get in the habit. Open an account of your own and start to generate high quality referrals right now.